domingo, 19 de julho de 2015

YEAR ONE, #1. Bucharest [Romania]

Starting tomorrow in Bucharest (Romania), the very first proto-academic cluster for the 'Year One' of the non-art educational project "University/Yliopisto", comprising a workshop, a lecture and a group session. A first draft for the official website will be launched soon after the end of the activities. Stay tuned!

About the workshop & the lecture:

“Dogma 2005: A Prison without Walls”

Workshop with Rogério Nuno Costa
July 20-24, 16:00-19:00
Lecture: July 23rd, 20:00
ODD, Bucharest, Romania
ZonaD – platformă mobilă de dans contemporan și E-Motional

The research project developed under this title by the Portuguese artist, curator and theoretician Rogério Nuno Costa will include an intensive workshop aimed for art practitioners and/or theorists who have already developed some work in the fields of performing and/or visual arts, willing to be confronted with a set of rules that will question their notions of artistic freedom, the methodology behind their creative processes and, above all, the means by which they operate with the formats surrounding the concept of “memory”: archives, documents, leftovers, traces and tracks. The workshop is 50% practical/50% theoretical, and is developed around collective brainstormings, group research, short presentations (lectures/talks), thorough documentation (video, photo and text) and, if possible, a broader audience final presentation. 

The workshop also includes a talk focused on the idea of “self-obstruction” (by the reposition of the artist inside an intriguing critical frame: “the prison without walls”) as a way to achieve a more conscious and transversal notion of “artistic freedom”. This moment can work perfectly as an introduction to projects created by the workshop participants themselves. Some excerpts of the movie “The 5 Obstructions” [by Danish filmmakers Lars von Trier & Jørgen Leth] are used as a starting point and/or as an illustration of the questions and problematics produced. This presentation may assume many different kinds of media: photography, installation, video, sound, text-based performance, dance, drama, conference/lecture-based performance, etc.

The participation to the workshop is free of charge. Interested art practitioners are invited to register by submitting their biography, brief details on their portfolio and a short description of a project there are currently developing, which they would like to discuss/present during the workshop. The workshop is open to maximum 10 participants. The workshop is developed in connection with Universidade/University, the ongoing research project including workshops, group sessions and artist talks, undertaken by Rogério Nuno Costa.

More info: